The Art of Medicine Direct, PLLC
Direct Primary Care located in Charlotte, NC
Melasma causes brown, tan, or gray blotches on the forehead, cheeks, or other parts of the face. Since the face is the most prominent part of the body, melasma can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem for many men and women today. The direct primary care doctors at The Art of Medicine Direct, PLLC, in Charlotte, North Carolina, provide a powerful melasma treatment— the PiQo4™ laser. This non-invasive treatment for melasma significantly improves skin tone and appearance.
Melasma Treatment Q & A
Melasma is a skin condition in which your face develops brown, tan, or gray patches. It occurs mainly in the forehead and cheek areas, but it can develop anywhere on your face.
The cause of melasma isn’t definitively known, but it tends to appear in women who are going through hormone changes. It can result from taking birth control pills, hormone therapy, or pregnancy.
If you’ve had excessive sun exposure in the past, you might be more likely to develop melasma. Genetics may also contribute to melasma.
There are several options available for melasma treatment at The Art of Medicine Direct, PLLC, in Charlotte, including topical creams and chemical peels. However, neither of these options actually reaches the deeper layers of skin to destroy the pigment. Therefore, the effects of topical creams or even chemical peels may be temporary at best.
The doctors at The Art of Medicine Direct, PLLC, choose the PiQo4 laser treatment for melasma that breaks down the pigment. After the treatment, your lymphatic system gradually flushes out the fragments of pigment on its own.
To ensure the best results though, stay out of the sun, and take good care of your skin.
The number of melasma laser treatment sessions in Charlotte depends on how widespread your melasma is, the location of your melasma, and your skin tone. Most men and women need just a few sessions, usually, 4-6 scheduled at least a week apart. After the initial treatment, the benefits typically can be maintained with additional treatments every three to six months.
Your doctor at The Art of Medicine Direct, PLLC, will work with you to help you achieve the best possible outcome. One of the major benefits of the PiQo4 laser treatment for melasma is that you’ll see results quite quickly. In the following week, you’ll notice further fading of your melasma until your skin is completely clear.
No, typically there is no downtime for the PiQo4 tm laser melasma treatment. Your treatment sessions at The Art of Medicine Direct, PLLC are usually less than half an hour. You may experience some redness that lasts 1-2 hours. Most people return to their regular routine immediately.
Is your melasma making you unhappy with your appearance? We offer a free consultation to explore if this is the right treatment for you. The team at The Art of Medicine Direct, PLLC, can help. Use the online booking tool or phone the office for a consultation today.